Store Policy


Soma Developmental LLC (Dara.Energy) does not store credit card details, nor do we share customer details with any third parties. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information.



Digital products will be delivered immediately into the My Library section of this site and will always be available there for streaming or download.  

Prism members will have access to the Prism as long as they remain subscribed.

If purchasing a course, some or all content may only become available on a date as specified in the course description.


Refunds & Cancellations

Digital Goods and Online Courses: Due to the nature of digital data, we cannot refund digital goods and/or online courses.

1:1 Sessions: There is a 72-hour cancellation policy for all 1:1 Sessions. Refunds will be given in the event that a session cannot be scheduled within eight weeks of purchase date. To request a refund contact: [email protected].