Words of Reflection

Dara is the swift and loving cut of the Vajra sword. She cuts, cuts, cuts through the dense material that gets in the way of truth and light. She cuts cords; she cuts nonsense; and most importantly, she cuts through the thick fabric of your sheath so that you can more easily access your own sword. Dara also knows the delicate art of rendering: she bends time to your advantage, making supple material from the seemingly intangible. At first pass, Dara alchemizes –– making not only something, but magic, from nothing. The more you connect, the more you realize that Dara is, in fact, catalyzing –– she illuminates that which was always there and invites you with the right balance of respectfulness and persistence to let go and make space.
Dara is space itself. In epitomizing emptiness, she gives permission for your own process of cleansing, clearing, and purifying. Dara creates conditions for this constant gerund form, this long term on-goingness, this infinite game. She does this not merely by offering refuge, but rather by supporting you to create safety within your own system. Dara doesn't teach you how to fish –– she whispers quiet truths as you awaken from your slumber and dip your toes in the measureless wellspring, which of course is full of fish and bliss.
Dara is boundless becoming. She is coming to be, open and see, showing and knowing that being is freeing. She will say, "Welcome. It's good to see you," and you will feel at home at last.
Joy, abundance, and forever expansion are always available.

Ashley Waverley, ancestral lineage healing steward, Death Walker
Dara describes indescribable experiences, provides context and resources for support, and offers a clear, grounded container to sensemake within. Her insights and mirroring cut through the noise of power dynamics, un-useful hierarchical structures, and transactional energy that is often present in other spaces of mentorship/therapy/guidance/facilitation.Â
It’s nearly impossible to describe the spiritual facilitation that she offers— together we integrate ways of knowing that transcend words and rationality altogether. It’s even more impossible to explain the level of gratitude I have for learning from and with her.Â
I have been working with Dara for a year now, though it feels like lifetimes in the best way. Our ongoing work has included: healing attachment wounding, honing and refining working with the subtle senses and direct knowing, staying grounded and present in the body, as well as working with the mind to re-pattern behaviors and beliefs that no longer serve. I have discovered and honed spiritual gifts that have shifted my life completely to live and work in integrity with my path. Finally experiencing deep alignment with purpose.
Our work together has spanned many historically rooted traditions, as well as emerging and co-created methods to ground and integrate the accelerated, expansive experience of a spiritual awakening and journey to liberation and sovereignty.Â
Dara is pure light and an utter delight to be in the presence of. She is grounded, clear, precise, fierce, compassionate, and wise beyond belief.Â
If you’ve gone this far, if you’re reading this— you feel called. Let this be the nudge you need to deepen your work and begin your journey with Dara.Â

Shelby Valentine, Life Coach & Healer
I have had the honor of working with Dara for over 2 years. She, and her work with me have helped me heal completely from CPTSD, addictions, toxic patterns, and eating disorders. I never believed the type of healing and transformation I've experienced was possible, especially in just a few months and years. She is the most compassionate human I've ever encountered and the impact of her presence is hard to articulate.
She is incredibly grounded, clear, and insanely wise. She offers support and guidance completely free of power dynamics or agenda. She has never once "given" me an answer and has always existed in such a way that allowed me to learn to trust myself and my sovereignty.
She has helped me in more ways than I can possibly articulate and has helped me heal to completion, something I never believed was possible before meeting her. I am a completely different person now.
I think of my life really in 2 parts - pre and post working with Dara through my trauma and inner material. I will continue to be in her orbit and working with her as long as I can.
The Prism membership specifically, is an incredible and affordable resource for healing and connection. I look forward to the grounding presence that is Dara, to be with me every week for the weekly healing released on Mondays. I also love the free healing support around specific energies and thought forms. Dara makes working with subtle energies, the soma, and direct experience approachable and available to literally everyone in this membership. I am grateful to be a part of it and often send my clients and friends her way.
She makes the spiritual path feel much less scary and I feel so supported knowing that she is traversing her own spiritual path with such grace and ferocity. Just knowing this and feeling it gives me permission to live my truth and continue on my path.
There isn't a more in-integrity spiritual guide or mentor out there that I have encountered. If you have the opportunity to be in her energy, I highly recommend it.

Kayla, Alignment Coach & Energy Worker
I received the Support for Initiations healing (and I fully intend on doing the rest on your page) and I was downright floored. It’s been a long time since I received such a powerful “meditative” healing like what you created. The visuals I received while you were explaining the shards/pieces seeing themselves as creator were astounding. I was seeing, truly seeing myself. And I felt the magnitude of what I am doing, being, creating. I felt miraculously connected to my body, grounded, and simultaneously, absolutely limitless.
I wish I could describe more for you… but the latter half I felt I was in such a deep meditative state. Depths. Able to receive the downloads and create the new connections effortlessly. How I have always felt it “should” go but never seemed to until Saturday night.
So I say thank you, I give you deep, unending gratitude from my heart. However I get to work with you or be connected to you is a blessing, and you are truly in your authenticity here. Thank you!!

My work with Dara was pivotal for where I was at the time and continues to be. I feel that our time together greatly accelerated my personal growth process. Rarely have I felt so held, seen, and heard. I was able to cultivate a greater acceptance and understanding of myself and others. Those closest to me have noticed my ability to pause and easily shift my perspective and acknowledge my own shadow. Professionally I have also benefited greatly. I feel more empowered, independent, and sovereign in my thoughts and actions. I continue to use what I have learned and in some ways have a greater ability to support others. This was a truly positive force of spiritual, personal, and professional growth.

Ale Pernalete
After the energetic medicine session we did and our 1:1 sessions, I felt called to calm down a bit and let all those movements integrate, and start to see the results outside. I decided to let it settle.
Today I must confess that I have witnessed miracles and have been able to access opportunities in the professional field that I never thought would be possible for me, given my background and the new country I was coming to. I am convinced that all these external results are a consequence of internal movements.
I wanted to thank you for having been that guide that in such a natural and spontaneous way helped me to see parts of me that I could not see at that moment, and through energy medicine let me discover those seeds of evolution and growth.

Ross Gutler, CEO, The Open Center
So, so incredibly thankful and appreciative for you. Everything you do. And everything you are. I'm very comfortable talking to you, strategizing with you. You make it so easy to become comfortable and open and vulnerable and thoughtful. That's part of why you're so good at what you do. And that's not always an easy thing to recognize. It's not something that is teachable, you just have it. You exist as a beautiful balance of soft, understanding empathy and discerning professional acumen. Thank you for helping me grow as a person and professional.

Working with Dara over the past 6 months has been the most transformational period of my life. Before the coaching, I was a very heady person. I am still in my head, but now I am using and trusting my body and intuition much more. Before I had a hard time answering "Where do you feel it?” — this became much much easier. I gained much more confidence and have become more assertive and more vocal about what I need as a person at work, in relationships, and in general. The biggest learning was that I am not just one version of me, but rather multiple. I contain multitudes. It almost was like losing a mask.

Spencer Williams
Dara is one of the most adept listeners I have ever worked with. In working with a variety of modalities, through intuition and attention, Dara created an environment of trust, presence, and growth which allowed me to feel a resonance that called me to more fully occupy the space of my ancestral work while creating and holding space for all of the relationships in my life. As an advocate and teacher, I have found a new sense of power and resiliency in managing change.

Whitney Smith
I am so grateful to have gone through this experience with you. You have an incredible gentleness that allowed me to feel safe and secure from the beginning. You never pushed or directed me to do anything. Rather you made small hints or suggestions that I could choose to explore (or not). The method with which you coach I will take with me in all my future interactions...as a parent, a spouse and as a manager of people. The lessons you have taught me are invaluable.

Dara is intuitive with a real gift of masterfully helping to bring clarity when situations feel chaotic or blurry. She has such a unique toolbox, and knows how to draw upon her gifts and wisdom with real skill. Whether it's a framework, a quote, or a guided visualization on the fly, she is truly ‘with’ you in each session.

As a direct result of our work together I feel more confident in my choices: trusting my gut and felt sense, accepting my non-traditional ways of making decisions and my non-traditional choices. Overall, I feel more in flow, confident in myself, and actively engaging with the challenges before me. At the start of this experience, I felt very consistently overwhelmed. The situation is still really complex and challenging, but I feel more able to meet it.

Working with Dara was one of the most inspiring and growth inducing partnerships of my career. She's the perfect balance of heart and intellect, and super fun to be around. Her ability to express herself authentically instantly made me feel comfortable to be who I am around her. No detours, no frills, just truth.